
How to select a Wheelchair

How to select a Wheelchair-  A Wheelchair that is right for you




Wheelchair * Manual Wheelchair * Power Wheelchair

When selecting a wheelchair, it comes with a lot of questions in general, especially when selecting a wheelchair for the first time. The options are endless.General information about wheelchairs and to describe the kinds there are are avilable plentiful. If you are working with a physical therapist, he/ she can probably give you his or her personal experience with the wheelchair  that fits your needs. The kind of knowledge that you gain this way, and what you will read here will probably help you to make the correct decision selecting your best choice for your specific needs.

Rigid Wheelchair

Wheelchairs Types

Depending on your injury level, you have to decide if you need a

⇒ Manual Wheelchair ⇒ Manual Wheelchair, Attendant Assisted   ⇒ Electric Power Wheelchair (also called Powered Wheelchair)

If you have enough arm strength, you might decide for a Manual Wheelchair, that means that you have to self-propel the wheels with your hands. If that is not the case, you can decide for a Manual Wheelchair, Attendant assisted. The difference between the Attendant assisted and non assisted is that the Attendant assisted version has two handlebars on the top of the backrest, so someone who assists can push the wheelchair from behind. If you do not have the arm strength or you are looking for a second chair, where you do not have to push your chair all the time, the Power Wheelchair would be your option.

The right Weight for the right Use

Once you decided what type of wheelchair best fits your needs, you can choose the desired use and therefore also the weight for your wheelchair. In general, the lighter the chair, the more it costs. As an overview, here are the most common uses and weights:

• Everyday Chair (also called Standard) weigh approx. 35-45 lbs • Lightweight Chairs weigh approx. 30-35 lbs • Folding Ultra light Chairs weigh approx. 25-30 lbs • Rigid Ultra light Chairs weigh approx. 12-25 lbs • Sport Chairs weigh approx. 15-25 lbs • Beach Access and All-Terrain Chairs  weigh approx. 35-40 lbs • Pediatric Chairs (for children) weigh approx. 35-40 lbs • Bariatric Chairs (for people over 250 lbs)  weigh approx. 35-40 lbs

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Wheelchair * Manual Wheelchair * Power Wheelchair

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