AFIKIM Breeze S and AFIKIM Breeze C are now AFISCOOTERS!

AFIKIM Breeze S and AFIKIM Breeze C are now AFISCOOTERS!

Posted by All Terrain Medical & Mobility on Feb 26th 2015

Afikim Breeze Scooters are now Afiscooters! 

This name change came along with the change of the manufacturers website. It is now to reflect the brand change for the Breeze's scooter models . 


The very popular Afikim Breeze S, that already received a Reddot Design Award in 2011 for the scooters design, is now called the Afiscooter-S3  or Afiscooter-S4 (depending on its number of tires) . 

The Afiscooter-S4 by Afikim Electric Vehicles also got its mark in the news when one of its users, Mr. Steve Tarrant from the UK tried the mobility scooter to run for a continued 24 hours  while he drove on it!! He received the World Record for it at a local roadshow for scooters!

The Afiscooter S4 passed the test and, confirmed once more the quality of the Afikim brand. Afikim offers a two year warranty for its scooters and an optional White-glove delivery service, which includes a technician to tune and drive the scooter to the customers front door. With this service, the customer can be sure to be shown how the scooter works.

Afikim is very well known in Israel. There, Afikim provides approx. 80% of Israels market share of Mobility Scooters. 

So, that is as if you call them the "Kleenex" of all handkerchiefs in Israel. Pretty Impressive! 

Get your Afiscooter today! You will be happy you did!